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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  January 13, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> unbelievable. >> it is. it's cool. >> you want 105 muscles in their trunk. >> and they're big and live a long time and they're smart. social animals. you know, and so, very few things can attack them. >> my rule for this program is if i don't learn something every day, we have failed. 105 muscles in a trunk. that was a little strange. his name's newt for goodness sakes. >> he's running for president. >> he's running for president. we'll see you monday. -- captions by vitac -- president obama wants to get rid of some federal agencies and republicans aren't happy. why? and then abducted in egypt, sold into slavery. and newt gingrich closing in on mitt romney going into south carolina. he is here tonight. "outfront," let's go.
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good evening. tonight, newt gingrich giving mitt romney a run for his money in south carolina. a new poll shows the former speaker trailing by four points. almost within the margin of error and much closer than just a week ago. could south carolina be newt's comeback state? here's what he had to say about that. >> i think i'm going to win south carolina on a liberal conservative split where i represent conservative and romney represents a massachusetts view. second, i hope to win on jobs. i had a record with reagan on jobs, as speaker, where we added 11 million new jobs. i think on the jobs front and conservative liberal front, which appeals to south carolina, we have a really good chance to win next saturday.
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>> you got me to jobs, i want to get straight to that. you're in florida today, versailles, florida. you said this about your jobs creating record when you worked with president reagan. >> we banished a series of tax cuts, series of deregulations. it was so successful that in one month, august of 1983, we created a million 300,000 jobs in one month. >> all right, so i heard that this morning and i said, no way, did we ever have 1.3 million a month. so we checked the numbers and there has not been a month where we had that many jobs created. but it seems a little unfair because more than half of those jobs, 640,000 were at&t workers returning from strike. are you taking credit for that? >> well, actually, i can double
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check that. my staff had come up with that number and that's where it came from. no, i wouldn't take credit for that. but if you look at the reagan job creation record, it was clearly millions and millions of new jobs. the unemployment rate dropped from 10.8% to 5.6. so he added about five percentage points went back to work in a growing workforce and i don't think anybody doubts that the reagan recovery was one of the greatest periods in history. but i'll double check that. i did in the know that. good job on your part. >> i look at those jobs numbers every month, so i saw that, couldn't believe that. you also went on to talk about that record and the 11 million that you were create iing about talking when you were speaker. obviously, you were in a position of power in government when those jobs were created. are you saying that government is an important player in creating jobs?
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>> absolutely. a government which is cutting taxes as my plan proposes, a government which is cutting relations, which is supportive of american energy, favorable to entrepreneurial job creators, helps dramatically set the environment. a government against jobs, a government which wants class warfare, which races taxes, overregulates, kills jobs. governments themselves don't do the work, but create the conditions and they can create favorable conditions as reagan did and as clinton and i did or they can create very unfavorable conditions. i think that's a big factor. you look at romney's record in massachusetts. he created a relatively unfavorable condition by raising taxes constantly and the result was massachusetts was 47th in job creation in the four years he was governor. >> let me ask you about mitt romney because we have the strike team on this show where
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we got dow 30 ceos on, venture capitalists, small entrepreneurs, it's a real broad swath of the economy. i asked who they thought was the best on the republican side of the economy. all but three picked mitt romney, two picked you. most said if romney didn't win, they'd be okay with you. let me just ask you about this. what do you have to say to those business leaders that picked mitt romney over you? >> look, i don't blame them. mitt romney's running around saying he created 100,000 jobs. two days ago, "the washington post" gave him three pinocchios because he said it wasn't true, he couldn't prove it. when he ran for the senate, he claimed 10,000 jobs and a new ad, drop the claim. says he helped create thousands of jobs. he's had six months of running without anybody challenging him on this claim. now, it turns out he didn't
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create very many jobs in the private sector and actually weakened job creation in massachusetts. i suspect if you go back to your panel and sigh, this guy was 47th in job creation, raised $730 million in taxes, they can go to and they will see how many taxes he raised because there was a long list there. i think all of a sudden, they'd have a different attitude. he's done a very good job of selling something which is baloney, but he sold it very methodically and now that he's being tested on it, they're a little rattled. he's not a particularly good job creator. >> we saw an ad airing in south carolina today. here's a very brief clip. >> and just hike john kerry -- he speaks french, too. >> all right, so mitt romney speaks french, partially because he's a mormon.
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did his mission in france. is that fair? >> john kerry's not a -- wait a second. john kerry's not a mormon. he's catholic. >> no, no, i'm saying the reason mitt romney speaks. what's wrong with mitt romney speaking french? >> nothing is wrong with it. let me quote herman cain. sometimes, it's good to have a sense of humor. that particular ad has gone viral because it's funny. >> but really trying to be funny and not play on the antifrench, foreign thing? >> it wasn't anti french. we happen to have a clip of kerry speaking french. we were making the point of how similar massachusetts politicians are and they normally don't do well in republican primaries. you're a republican primary going, due caucus, mitt romney, is that where i want to have my candidate come from? >> do you speak french? >> no.
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i used to live in france. a long time ago, i spoke some french. i have a phd in european history. i can do some in spanish, french and german. don't overthink this. it's funny. this is not a pbs documentary. it was just done to be funny. >> today in virginia, you were trying to get on the ballot there. went appealed it. how big of a problem is this? are you dead set on getting that ballot? will it crush you to not get on it? >> you have to accept reality and if that's the last word, it's the last word. it means the voters of virginia have been denied five candidacies on there. it's the only state we've had that kind of problem and i think we're now on 25 or 30 ballots around country. we're going to keep going.
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means i have to come out of winning south carolina and florida, i'll have to beat romney in enough states to make up for it. >> one thing about the polls that stood out to me as a woman, i saw this today. you lead with men. south carolina, no problem. 29%, you lead with men. women, mitt romney leads with 38%. why do you think that is? i know mitt romney objectively, he's a good looking guy, right? i don't know if that's why. why do you think it is? >> maybe it's the hair. i don't know. i don't know what people are cueing off of right now. i think that the commercial advertising version of mitt romney is very appealing. i think the reality of who he has been as governor is dramatically less appealing and i think as that message sinks in, that we're going to pull away from him in the next week here. he claims to be pro life. in fact, he's been very pro abortion. he said publicly he's for gun l control. and he actually had a 400% increase in taxes on guns, so i
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think as people see his real record versus commercials, i think he will lose ground with men and women. >> so what do you say to people also when it comes to electability, really going for mitt romney in a dramatic change. now, we got 55% of people saying mitt romney, 13% are saying you're more electable. a month ago, you were tied. what are you saying to those who are saying he's more electable than you are? >> i say watch and see what happens in south carolina and you'll see the whole thing reverse again. we've been up and down like this all year and what happens is he got one-fourth of the vote in iowa after five years of campaigning and $20 million. he came in first by eight votes. he actually bought a house, moved into new hampshire, has been living there and got 37%. two out of three republicans
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said no. but he came in first. people go, gee, i guess it's him. if we win south carolina, the electability issue will go back down to being even. it's all respontive to the daily news. >> good to see you. hope to see you in person next week. >> you, too. >> all right. coming up, a close call or more serious threat? new video just coming in of iranian speedboats come right up to american naval ships. on his last day in office, mississippi governor pardoned more than 250 convicted felons. we tracked down one of the men pardoned and the governor explains his actions. and posting photos on the internet. your social security number and location can be determined just by those images. we'll be back. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself?
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man on tv: ...rbis and 36 homers. swings at the first pitch and fouls it deep back into the stands. [ding] [fans whirring] announcer: chill raw and prepared foods promptly. one in 6 americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. check your steps at an exclusive interview with an -- anthony was among more than 200 released. back in 2001, he killed his
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wife. martin savidge, what did he say? >> well, basically, he said that he's a changed man. no real surprise there. especially since he asked for the pardon. we talk to anthony mccray to ask how it felt to be out of prison. >> it's a blessing to be out. see your children. taking care of children, stuff like that. i've been -- i've been saved. i've been baptized. i've been reading the bible for 12 and a half years, so just a true blessing. >> maybe a blessinging to him, it's a second chance to start all over thanks to the governor of this state, however, we should point out, his victim didn't get the chance. he shot and killed his wife and this is the man the governor decided to pardon. one of the reasons there was so
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much outrage in this state. he's just one example of the others and here's what the state attorney general says tonight. it looks like his pardon is is going to be overturned and that of many of the others. it means that mccray may go back to prison. means that many others may be revoexed. >> we're going to hear more from martin on and erson cooper. but many people outraged about the pardons and one of mississippi's highest ranking democrats is one of them. he joibs us. just a short time ago, haley barbour spoke to fox news. talked a lot about forgiveness and faith. >> i have no doubt in my mind that these men have repented, have been redeemed, have come back hard working to prepare themselves to go out into the world. i have no question in my life. >> you hear him?
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he says it's a christian thing to do to forgive. one of the convicted murdererers say he's found god. >> i do not believe there's no way in logic haley barbour can say that he can believe 210 people that he's pardoned, that all of them have found god and have been redeemed. there's been no background investigation. he doesn't know if all of them read the bible or whatever. and i know criminals read the bible. all kind of people read the bible, but that does not realize or say that these people are ready to be returned into our society here within mississippi. >> and obviously, he's made the point that 90% of the people pardons were recommended by the parole board to be released, which is part of it, but obviously, there are murderers who were not on the list. but as a person, do you believe someone can kill someone and
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change their life around and be forgiven? >> i know that some of the people pardoned were turned down by the parol board, but to your question, there are people who can turn their lives around, but the point is, have all 210 people turned their lives around? these are a lot of people that have been released into the societity of mississippi. this is frightening to me in my district and across the state of mississippi. our das weren't aware of it. immediately, they released in our society without any public hearing, without any public notice. haley barbour signed the form to say release them and put them back into mississippi's community. that's outrageous. >> thank you very much for coming in. viewe viewers, let us know what he
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think. he said he felt comfortable with some of these murderers playing with his own grandchildren. by now, we're all aware, personal information is being connected over the internet, but do you know how much? if you post a photo from your iphone, people with figure out where you are. did you know the first five digits of your social security number can be predicted from a web cam photo? most likely, that means you. and all that information is being sold to the highest bidder. we asked laurie andrews if the law is doing anything to protect you. >> judges have said it's okay if one party gives consent. it doesn't violate the statute or computer fraud abuse statute. so if you're an internet service
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provider consents to the marketing of your private information for which they get money, it's okay. you're not protected. >> andrews suggests the constitution, saying better legal system lags technology. president obama says he's making the federal government a lean, mean political machine. he says i want to have six agencies become one. you'd think the republicans would say, holy grail, let's have a hug, but they're not. and rick santorum supports your right to bear arms, but he wants you to pay $100 for it. . no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ? if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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according to the south korea sb primary, there are a few questions we need answered, but one thing we know is that rick santorum loves sweater vests. green ones, blue ones, gray ones, beige ones. navy one. a red one even. he's got a camel one, see. seems like he's got a -- red and pink, wow. he's got a different one for every event, but other candidates have things too. sticker, button, every single website, but rick is the only one with vests and when i talked to him last week, i had to ask about them. i know you're in a rush and
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you're leaving. i see your sweater vest has rick santorum on it. >> we're selling them online. i think $100. >> my gosh. >> it's a part campaign donation. one of my supporters said this is my second amendment vest. the right to bear arms. you like it? >> i like it. so bad it's good. all right. apparently, he was very serious about selling them, which brings us to tonight's number. 100,000. that is the number of dollars the santorum campaign has made from vest sales. in the past 48 hours t santorum campaign has brought in more than a million dollars in contributions and according to rick, 100,000 was all vests. available at rick santorum's official website and made in the u.s.a., santorum claims the vests are quote perfect for solidarity and a dpraet way to show your support.
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today, twitter was full of mentions of his vest and on the campaign trail, he called the vests his quote, source of power. retailers have also seen an increase in non santorum sales, but you can always go higher with runway to win. that is the new fund-raiser in support of president obama's campaign. he wins hands down. available on his website, the new collection features barack inspired pieces by designers like torii birch. still, the "outfront" five. obama's stand. >> with or without congress, i'm going to keep at it, but it would be a lot easier if congress helped. >> sold into savely. >> i was talkken away from my
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we do the reporting, the work and find the "outfront" five. came on our show, had some jobs number, 1.3 million created in one month. we did the numbers and i asked him about it.
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i heard that this morning and i said, no way. did we ever have 1.3 million a month, so i checked the month. september 1983, 1.411 million jobs were added. more than half, 640,000, were at&t workers returning from strike. so people returning from strike around new jobs creators. are you taking credit for that? >> well, actually, back and double check that. my staff had come up with that number and that's what it came from and no, i wouldn't take credit for that. i think that is an anomaly. >> we've learned all four u.s. marines shown in a urination video have been identified. appears to show a marine sniper team, it does show, sniper team urinating on bodies in afghanistan. an order issues saiding quote, i require all coalition forces,
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civilians and insurgent dead with the appropriate dignity and respect. investigation into the incident could lead to punishment for their commanding officers. john edwards has a life threatening heart conditions which requires him to undergo a procedure. that's what a federal judge revealed today when delaying the former presidential candidate's trial until march. he faces six felony charges related to accusations that he used campaign donations to hide his pregnant mistress during the 2008 run to the white house. number four, a study of how consumers feel about the economy. b better than expected. now, analysts say this is positive, but it's important to note sentiment does not correlate with spending, only expectations and analysts tell us it's all about that payroll tax if it doesn't get extended
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at the end of next month when it expire, you could see a big drop. what are we doing to get it back? it was a very unlucky friday 13th in europe. standard & poor's downgrading in nine countries and they, like mitt romney and newt gingrich a little, speak french. more on that. i do not speak french. president obama today sounding a bt like his republican opponents on the campaign trail. he announced plans to make the federal government quote, leaner. >> today, i'm calling on congress to reinstate the authority that past presidents have had to streamline and reform the executive branch. i will only l use this authority for reforms that result in more efficiency, better service and a leaner government. for example, there are six agencies that deal with congress and trade. the president wants one.
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you would think this would be music to republicans' ears. as we said, a big group hug in washington. alan west says he's going to vote against it. why? >> i think, erin, good evening to you. when you look at what the president said, this is nothing but another case of political gimmickry. the day before the president asked for an increakreecrease i debt ceiling. we have seen the debt go to almost 15.3 trillion. that's more debt than from george washington to president clinton and per day, we're looking at $4.24 billion of debt that the president's raking up. now, this process that he's talking about is only going to yield $3 billion of savings over ten years. last year, the government accounting office put out a report that said they're 2 to $300 billion of failed and redundant programs in washington, d.c. i wish the president would take
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action on that. >> i understand it's a small step and there's a long way to go, but if he's starting and he's cut iting 3 billion and yo want a lot more, why would you say no to three? >> if you're asking for a 1$1.2 trillion increase -- 3 billion over the ten years, this is nothing but a gimmick and if you want to show and offer some type of credibility, then go back to the gao report last year that talked about 2 to $300 of failed and redundant programs, so let's be serious about what the president's doing. this is nothing but another opportunity to get the big megaphone and try to create some sense of him remaking himself, which he has never shown intent of doing. >> also elevating to the cabinet level agency. do you support that?
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>> well, i don't think again, we don't need to see that. talk about streamlining government, now you want to create another cabinet level position. we've got some agencies in the federal government that are failing that they have not made up to their missions, so for us to stay we're going to raise up to a new cabinet level, the small business administration is working well. there are some things we can do. i sit on the small business committee to refine these procedures, but just making it a cabinet level position is not going to show true effect. >> and now, let's bring in cnn political krigter and strategist, james carville. james, what's your point of view on this? it would seem that you would just take something and start somewhere, but we don't even seem to be able to do that. >> you know, we just released a new democracy poll which shows republicans in congress with dismally low ratings and
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democrats have taken the lead. there's nothing that president obama can be for that these guys would support and it's really about not liking him as opposed to wanting to move the country forward. comes in with an idea to sort of telescope these agencies. seems like something you'd say, well, that's a good start. elevate to cabinet level. to be all or end all. but it sure would look like if i were if congress and something the president could support i'd take back to my voters, but appare apparently, it's not the mind set of the tea party. >> yes, he is and it does seem from a lot of people would say, all right, even if they think he has a lot of points, why wouldn't you take this and then take more if i want more. but this plays to the whole issue, the president gave a speech today where he talked about making government smaller
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and said quote, it is always easier to add than subtract in washington. okay, the merger idea that he's got of making six agencies one sounds nice, but government isn't really getting any smaller. the only people going away are people retiring. is it just politics? he can't cut head count at all. we don't seem to see size reduction? >> it's a giant insurance agency, medicaid, medicare and social security and has a huge defense department. once you get beyond that and pay the debt off, there's not as much to it as you think. actually, i think the number of federal employees went down during president clin and they had a bumpbl of these. that's not to say you can't do anything. i think if you get something, well, this is little, it's not going to make a big dent. >> can the president get behind saying it's a good thing to be
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eliminating jobs? >> i think eliminate jobs, sometimes they're not replacing jobs. kind of hard to say eliminate, you sort of make things more efficient. i don't think things are like wholesale farms when they merge these agencies. >> only getting rid of 2,000 through retirement out of tens of thousands. >> and again, i don't know if that's really what we need to do is be laying -- you know, if you look at the private sector job growth in this rvrry, if we want to call it that, it's been not as bad if we look at the total levels. we share hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs, which has had a bad effect on the economy. so i'm not sure we want to go out slashing federal employees right now. >> thank you very much. have a good weekend. >> thank you. thank you very much, erin. >> and next, the threat of war from iran. new video in tonight. speedboats coming up to u.s. naval forces, being yelled at to
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go away, not going away. and abducted and sold into slavery in america. she comes out front with her story, next. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller.
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we do this at the same time
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every night where we reach out to sources around the world and tonight, to iran. there's amazing video in tonight. the obama administration is warning iran's supreme leader that closing the strait of hormuz will be a red line that will not be crossed. why was this said today? because of this. you're looking at iranian speedboats zooming up to u.s. ships and ignoring demands they retreat. this is in the open ocean. the incident you're looking at happened on january 6th, but the video is just available tonight and sources tell cnn that the u.s. had two close calls. and tonight, we're learning america has asked iran to establish a direct channel of communication so a miscalculation like the one you've seen does not lead to military confrontation.
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barbara starr explains why these close encounters. >> the navy in thenitis would like you to think this is fairly routine and everything's under control. they don't want to ratchet up more tension, but if you have iranian speedboats within 500 yords, how much further are you going to let them come? how close are you going to let them get before you have to do something about it? >> that's a big question, meaning firing on them. and in china, they scuffled at police and through eggs at apple's flag ship store. apple underestimated the demand for iphones and it closed the store. we asked what apple can do. >> apple is almost certainly going to reopen the stores within a couple of days. working with the local authorities for bert security and better policing of the line.
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these apple flag ship stores, there's only a couple of them, but they're critical to apple's brand presence in china and apple wants to make sure that order is displayed. they just didn't expect the crush of scalpers and the intensity of these people to buy out the stock of iphones for sale elsewhere. >> i've never seen anything like those stores. well, now to peru. joran van der sloot was sentenced to 28 years in prison for the murder of stephany flores. sources tell us he could be out after 10 to 11 years. he faced possible fraud charges in the united states tied to the disappearance of natalee holloway. we asked sunny hostin what will happen next. >> we know he is facing extortion charges here in the united states. a u.s. attorney from birmingham, alabama, has indicated they plan
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to per sue those charges. >> well now imagine working 16 hours a day, cooking, cleaning, imprisoned as the slave and imagine if this happened to you starting at age 8. it did happen to shyma hall. her parents sold her into savely for $30 a month. there are 12 million people who are slaves around the world. she is no longer one of them. she is 22 years old an an independent woman. she came to the united states from egypt in the year 2000. not the live the american dream, but as the slave of an egyptian family. >> i definitely feel the trap. i didn't have an option. i didn't know this was wrong in the u.s. or anything like that. >> she was held in this opulent house in california. that's her clearing the table in home video while other people
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danced. these rooms were reserved for the family, but this was shyma's room. >> they'd lock her in there at night. it was a one-way door. if she had to go to the bathroom, she had to use the bucket. >> she was rescued after a neighbor alerted authorities and one became a mentor. >> when i have problems, he's always been there for me. even as growing up, i was becoming a teenager and i wanted to do stuff i never done before and no one could handle a teenager. >> u.s. department of home land security chief, janet napolitano, says her story is one of hope. >> one of the things we can do is get the message to those who are the the subject, victims of trafficki inking themselves, th there is help for them. >> she is focused on her future. she became a u.s. citizen last month and is determined to stop
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human trafficking by becoming an immigration agent herself. >> i.c.e. has been there for me and to help me become who i am today and i want to give back. >> her story a remarkable tale of perseverance and i spoke with her and her attorney just before the show and she shared more about her abduction and life as a slave. >> the only thing i remember is i was taken away from my brothers and sisters, my family, my friends, from the life that i had over there and just given away to strange people who knew nothing of me and didn't really care to take care of me or to nothing, they didn't care. all they cared about was they have a person that can take care of their house work and their kids and that's really about it.
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yeah. >> did they abuse you? >> no. i was not abused. i mean, a few times here and there, but i was not abused. >> when you wanted to become an immigration official yourself, can you tell us how you were smuggled into the country? >> for me, it was, given to somebody that came to the u.s. and to just act that he was my becoming adopted dad because he lived in the u.s. most the times. and if i had any questions not to say anything but i didn't speak any english anyway or anything like that. only spoke arabic at the time. >> you were 8, you were only 8, right? >> yes. >> angela, what has happened to the family that imprisoned her? >> i understand that the female
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of the household was convicted and spent some time in jail and then was sent back to egypt, where we're given to understand she has resumed employing young house servants. the -- >> resumed, doing it again? >> that's what we understand. >> have you spoken to then since you left the family at age 13? would you want to speak with them? what would you say to the family that kept you as a slave? >> i've actually seen them once after that and it was in court when the case was final in 2007. and that was the only time since i got taken away in 2000 and from there i never seen them again. i would not want to see them or
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speak to them. i have nothing to say to them. i believe in whatever they've done it comes back and, you know, that there's -- you get what you deserve kind of situation. >> do you think there are other young girls, young boys in this country more than any of us would think that are going through what you went through? >> i think so. i was with them for a while and no one knew anything about me other than a neighbor that finally realized there was something going on and they called. so i think there's more than we think. >> you're an american citizen now. i know it's a wonderful thing, what you're trying to do is an amazing thing. you mentioned, though, your brothers and sisters. your parents. your parents who made this decision for $30 a month when you were 8 to sell you. >> yes. >> are you angry at them? have you talked to them, your parents? >> i actually moved on from the
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hating part or to -- not to forgive them or anything like that. i moved on. i miss my brothers and sisters. they had nothing to do with, you know, my younger brothers or even the older ones, they had nothing to do really with what my parents chose to do or what my -- pushed them to that limit. i have not spoke to them maybe almost three years i haven't spoke to them and that was when they told me my biological father died and i honestly, i had no reaction to it. i had no parent's figure my whole life and i lived without it my whole life and i don't see the need for it just because i'm independent on my own. one day i am planning on going back to see my brothers and sisters. and maybe to get to know them. >> thank you so much for sharing your story, an inspiring one for so many.
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that's something so awful could end as amazingly. thank you. it's an amazing, amazing tale. when we come back, france, the country of france is not happy today, and it has nothing to do with the old, you know, thing going on between mitt and newt. all because so many people wanted to visit us... in louisiana. they came to see us in florida... nice try, they came to hang out with us in alabama... once folks heard mississippi had the welcome sign out, they couldn't wait to get here. this year was great but next year's gonna be even better. and anyone who knows the gulf knows that winter is primetime fun time. the sun's out and the water's beautiful. you can go deep sea fishing for amberjack, grouper and mackerel. our golf courses are open. our bed and breakfast have special rates. and migrating waterfowl from all over make this a bird watcher's paradise. so if you missed it earlier this year, come on down. if you've already been here come on back...
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to mississippi... florida... louisiana... alabama. the gulf's america's get-a-way spot no matter where you go. so come on down and help make 2012 an even better year for tourism on the gulf. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lie on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that
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and that 15,000 dryer fires happen every year! that's why it's important to regularly clean and inspect your vents! correct. where did you get that?! i built it. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ ah, france.
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you know, fine wine. good food. high fashion. in paris, life seems to be a party that just won't stop. until it did today. s&p downgraded france's credit rating from aa to aaa. that is not an improvement. france now has the same rating as the united states. you know what, it's about time. love or hate the french, it was getting ridiculous. france with an economic crisis and higher unemployment rate than america had a better credit rating. take it from america, you're in for some changes. first, news anchors will become obsessed and start counting how many days it's been since you lost your rating. second, it won't be much fun this weekend. according to -- i don't know, i'm sorry, the french president
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told him back in october, if france loses its aaa -- the french election is scheduled for april 22nd. if sarkozy is right and he isn't re-elected, the country could be forced to deal with this downgrade with an unknown quantity in power. don't worry, france. things aren't that bad. you still have the things that made you famous. great works of art. and, you know, other things and people. in all seriousness, america remembers how france helped us win our revolution against england, a country which is still rated aaa. that's unacceptable. without you, we'd have no statue of liberty and maybe no country at all. we decided the thing to do is ban together, france and america, become friends. after all, mitt are many know speaks french. newt says he speaks a little bit of french. obama probably speaks a little bit. let's get our rates back together and deal with the fact of what's going on with the fact